Side-Slip Seat completes 16G testing
The Side-SLip Seat has now completed a full spectrum of FAA TSO related crash tests and passed with flying colors.

CBS Morning News
See the Side-Slip Seat on the CBS Morning news. The TV spot by Chris Van Cleave shows the difficulty passengers face as they travel this...

"Brilliant new design..." - Time Magazine
Time magazine covers the seat in their Money section. You can see the full article here: http://time.com/money/4033371/middle-seat-side-s...

People might actually want to sit in the middle seat
The Denver Post published a great article on the Side-Slip Seat that highlights how we are trying to make airline travel more comfortable...

Side-Slip Seat Reviewed at National Institute of Aviation Research
“Our target is really wanting these airline CEOs to sit in the seat and realize that it’s just a no brainer,” Scott said. “If you want...

Official Unveiling
We will be unveiling the Side-Slip Seat at the Low Cost Carrier Congress in London 15-16 Sept. Come and check it out!

Reliability testing has begun
We have begun reliability testing of the seats. They have successfully completed thousands of cycles. Our goal is to get at least 50,000...